Serdecznie zapraszamy na cykl wykładów z prof. Valentina Maria Fernandes Domingues i prof. Luis Silva Luís Manuel Sousa da Silva z Politechniki Porto.

Tematem spotkań będą substancje biologicznie czynne w farmacji i kosmetyce oraz statystyka biomedyczna i modelowanie matematyczne w badaniach naukowych.

Wykłady odbędą się w dniach 14-16.04.2021 r. godz. 11.00.

Link do wydarzenia


prof. Valentina F. Domingues
Prof. Valentina F. Domingues holds a BSc and MSc at Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto and a PhD in chemical engineering at Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Portugal).

She is a Professor Coordinator at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the School of Engineering of the Polytechnic of Porto, where she teaches several courses of Chemical Engineering degree (1st cycle), Bioresources degree (1st cycle and Master) and Biomedical Engineering (1st cycle and Master).

She develops her research activity at the Associated Laboratory for Green Chemistry of the Network of Chemistry and Technology (REQUIMTE). Her research interests are focused on the fields of food safety, environmental sciences, and biomonitoring using chromatographic analysis. She co-authored 1 patent, about 82 articles published in international journals with impact factor (h-index: 23 – Scopus ID 18633648000) and 16 book chapters in international publishers, having supervised several PhD fellows, and participated in several projects.


prof. Luis Silva Luís Manuel Sousa da Silva

Professor of Chemical Engineering, works at Polytechnic of Porto – School of Engineering (ISEP) Experienced lecturer specialized in analysis, synthesis, design and control of chemical engineering processes with elective courses of pollution.

Member of organizing committee of the 2nd Global Conference on Applied Computing in Science and Engineering 26-28 of july 2017 and 4th International Conference on Education, Inovation and Learning Technologies (ICEILT-4), 20-23 of April 2021

Author of multiple important publications, including those published in 2020:

• Galan, J.J.; Silva, L.M.; Pasandín, A.R.; Pérez, I. Evaluation of the Resilient Modulus of Hot-Mix Asphalt Made with Recycled Concrete Aggregates from Construction and Demolition Waste. Sustainability 2020, 12(20), 8551. (DOI:
• Luís M.S. Silva, Maria J. Muńoz-Peńa, Joaquín R. Domínguez-Vargas, Teresa González, Eduardo M. Cuerda-Correa, Kinetic and Equilibrium Adsorption Parameters Estimation Based on a Heterogeneous Intraparticle Diffusion Model. Surfaces and Interfaces 2020, (DOI:10.1016/j.surfin.2020.100791

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